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What It Does
Calls an event when a certain object with a tag enters a 3D trigger.
How To Use
Drag the script to a 3D collider set to trigger. Set the tag of the object you want to collision.
What It Does
Teleports an object that enters a 3D trigger to any set position in the scene.
How To Use
Drag the script to a 3D collider set to trigger. Drag in object you want to teleport.
What It Does
Toggle an object on and off with a press of a key.
How To Use
Drag script anywhere. Drag in object you want to toggle. Set the key you want pressed.
What It Does
A simple 3D enemy AI movement script that follows player and calls an attack function when close.
How To Use
Set the tag of your player object to "Player". Add a nav mesh agent to your enemy. Attach script to enemy.
What It Does
Makes an object face towards another object continuously.
How To Use
Drag the script on an object. Drag in the object you want to look at.